Julie Raymer works in a variety of mediums,
including watercolors, acrylics, oils, and pen,
seeking to capture any subject that inspires her.

Julie Raymer was born in San Francisco and grew up in nearby Burlingame, California. As a young child, always looking for something to do, she often spent time drawing, coloring and embroidering. Throughout grade school, her artistic talent blossomed and many of her works of art were chosen for display in local shows. It wasn't until her junior year of high school that a friend encouraged her to take an art course. Here she was introduced to watercolor, acrylic and oil painting. She soon excelled, winning Best of Show and 1st Place at the the Mid Peninsula League Art Show, San Mateo County Fair, Bank of American Award in Art and even having an oil painting on exhibit in Chicago in a national art contest.
Julie began college pursuing an art degree at San Jose State University, but after completing nearly two years, she left school before taking any art classes beyond art history, lecture courses, and contour drawing. She began working full time at the phone company where she met her husband, Dan. Shortly after the birth of their first child, Julie and Dan moved to Fresno to afford the life of a single income family. Julie's greatest achievement has been as a wife to Dan and mother to Brianne and Michael.
Now, as an empty nester, and after much encouragement from her husband, Julie began pursuing her love of art again. In June 2014 she took a solo artist retreat and jumped back in after a 35 year hiatus! Largely self-taught, she began with drawing and watercolor paintings. She is now a member of the Alliance of California Artists,the Clovis Art Guild, and the Madera County Arts Council, and has participated in many shows, events, exhibits, and workshops.
She has been called prolific by some of her peers, and will tell you it's because she just can't stop. All those years of creativity just dormant... In retrospect, Julie sees now that God had a perfect plan for her life. She did not waste 35 years of "could have been," but devoted herself to faith and family. Now that she has the time, and support of her family, she looks forward to learning and growing as an artist.